17 Things You Can Do Right Now to Stop Being a Cool Dad

I’m not a cool Dad, but that’s ok, neither are you

Sanjay Singhal


I bought this for myself to celebrate — Photo by Chris Curry on Unsplash

I was going to buck the trend. I was going to be a cool Dad. Nobody told me it was mathematically impossible to both be a cool Dad and be perceived as one by your children. It’s Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle of Coolness. Quoting obscure physics Nobel laureates is a good start at losing cool status. I know you think it’s cool dear reader, but nobody cares if your wife or your friends or readers think you’re a cool Dad, it’s all about the children.

I’d settle for my kids’ friends thinking I’m cool. How I long to overhear, “You know, your Dad’s really cool” as I knock on my son’s door to announce dinner for him and his visiting friend, Ryan. It hasn’t happened yet, I think I might be going about this wrong.

You’re a Dad, when you’re at maximum uncool, you’ve heard your kid say something like, “Ryan’s Dad is really cool, he plays poker with us” and it’s like a punch to the gut. I’ve played poker with my kid and won two weeks worth of his allowance. Of course I kept the money, I’m teaching life lessons here, not running a charity. I showed him how to play poker, how am I not as cool as Ryan’s Dad?

If I mentioned this out loud, my son would of course say, “Yeah thanks for teaching me, but you…



Sanjay Singhal
Sanjay Singhal

Written by Sanjay Singhal

I write about how to manage your career and life by telling stories about how I've botched my own career and life.

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