About Me — Do as I Say Not as I Do

Why I write what I do and why you should read it

Sanjay Singhal


Waiting for the voices in my head to stop arguing and say something intelligent

I write under the banner Do as I Say, Not as I Do for a very specific set of reasons. I’m a curious person. Not in the weird sense — well ok, maybe in the weird sense, but also, I’m curious about the world. I believe it’s the single most important trait for a successful life. Being curious creates a virtuous cycle of improvement that will make anyone more successful.

Because I’m curious, I do a lot of experiments. Writing like this for public consumption is itself an experiment, one of my bigger ones. But I experiment constantly in big ways and small. From sharper nail clippers, to walking 10,000 steps, to AI investing, I can’t help myself, I love to learn. Curiosity, paying attention, and the learning that results, will be what shapes my future, and yours.

I get my ideas for things to write about from things I read, things I watch, and occasionally from mysterious voices in my head. Sometimes drugs are involved. Most often, inspiration comes from a conversation over lunch or while on a long walk with a friend. I don’t have a niche, sorry, you’ll have to decide case by case if a particular story resonates, but I’ll try to write with enough humour and false humility to make even the trashier stuff somewhat palatable.



Sanjay Singhal

I write about how to manage your career and life by telling stories about how I've botched my own career and life.