Oh my GOD I want to write in all caps but I’ll restrain myself. First, if your about me isn’t written as well as all your other stories, then rewrite the damn thing. Make it hilarious if your articles are supposed to be hilarious, make it informative if your articles are typically informative. Please do not pin more than two stories to your profile. If your about me, your favorite story and your most recent story, don’t together combine to give an idea of whether or not you’re worth following then just give up already. Scrolling through five stories that you think are your best to find your most recent, and to discover that really most of your stuff is just complete crap is not a favor to a reader. The purpose of pinning stories is to find followers people who are going to like most of what you write if not all of it, so give them what they need to reach that conclusion — some of your most recent work is some of the most important work. /rant
Thanks for the post, not enough people even think about a pinning strategy.