Thanks Barbara, happy we can engage without hurt feelings. That's a great answer regarding spirituality and existence after death. I've had experiences myself that have convinced me there's more, a lot more, to life than what we can see. And spirituality may, in the end, be what defines the difference between us and AI. I'll put a pin in that thought and keep an eye out for a new Mac OS that features a spirit add-on. (AI joke).
Don't get the idea that I'm an AI fan-boy, I'm as afraid of it as any intelligent person should be (which is a lot, the greatest existential risk humanity faces). But I'm trying to understand it so my fears will be based on understanding it, not out of lack of exposure. Back in 2010 I hated Google Docs because I couldn't figure out where it stored files, and I didn't want to learn, after all I was 45 years old and surely I had already learned everything I was going learn, right?
Eventually I realized it was too early for me to call it quits on learning, and now google docs are my recommended solution for all corporate writing.
Get to know AI, fight it from the inside. And if that doesn't work and AI destroys human civilization, at least there's a lot more to our existence than the simple act of living. Or... there was. Another AI joke, sorry.